
来源 :中国财政 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:abdusamat128
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党中央、国务院做出的加快东北地区等老工业基地调整改造和振兴的战略决策,为吉林省摆脱羁绊、加快发展提供了难得的历史机遇。振兴吉林老工业基地,是推进吉林省工业省建设、实现经济跨越式发展、全面建设小康社会的现实选择,体现了全省广大人民群众的根本利益,得民心、顺民意。吉林省具有加快发展的比较优势,在国家政策的大力支持下,经过广大干部群众的积极参与和奋力拼搏,吉林老工业基地一定能够焕发青春,再现辉煌。财政与振兴老工业基地息息相关。多年来,老工业基地为吉林省财政提供了巨额积累,做出了历史性贡献。直到现在,吉林省财政收入的60%仍来自于工业,工业经济的发展对吉林省财政具有决定性影响。但 The strategic decisions made by the Party Central Committee and the State Council to speed up the restructuring, rejuvenation and rejuvenation of northeast China’s old industrial bases have provided a rare historical opportunity for Jilin Province to get rid of fetters and accelerate development. The revitalization of Jilin’s old industrial base is a realistic choice to promote the construction of Jilin Province’s industrial province, to realize the leapfrog economic development and to build an overall well-to-do society. It reflects the fundamental interests of the broad masses of people across the province and enjoys popular support and public opinion. Jilin Province has the comparative advantage of accelerating its development. With the vigorous support of the national policy and through the active participation and hard work of the broad masses of cadres and the masses, Jilin’s old industrial base will surely be able to rejuvenate and reappear its glory. Finance and revitalize the old industrial base is closely related. Over the years, the old industrial base has provided tremendous accumulation of finance for Jilin Province and made historic contributions. Until now, 60% of the financial revenue in Jilin Province still comes from industry. The development of industrial economy has a decisive influence on the financial affairs of Jilin Province. but