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他们的爱情朴素而平淡,如一碗白白菜汤,却又如此真实,足以让人回味。问:理想中的爱人是怎样的?张龙:就像她这样的,即使我做的菜再难吃,她也能咽下去。杜晓宇:就像他这样的,他负责赚钱养家,我负责貌美如花。张龙,现任广西龙邦边检站勤务中队司务长,杜晓宇是他的妻子。“没有她的支持和鼓励,我走不到今天。”她1.72米的个头,他1.6米的高度,“最萌”身高差,在很多人眼里,他俩是不可能的。爱情的伟大之处就在于将不可能变成了可能。身高不是距离,1000多公里的路途才是摆在他们 Their simple and plain love, such as a bowl of cabbage soup, but so true, enough to make people aftertaste. Q: What is the ideal lover? Zhang Long: Like her, even if I do not eat delicious food, she can swallow it. Du Xiaoyu: Like him, he is responsible for making money to support the family, I am responsible for beautiful flowers. Zhang Long, incumbent Guangxi Long Bang border station service squadron manager, Du Xiaoyu is his wife. “Without her support and encouragement, I can not go today. ” She’s 1.72 meters tall, his height of 1.6 meters, “most Meng ” height difference, in the eyes of many people, they are impossible . The beauty of love is that it makes impossible possible. Height is not distance, more than 1,000 kilometers of the road is placed in them
Dendrimers have attracted attention in abroad area of chemistry. In this paper,octopus polyestrones were easily synthesized in a novel convergent strategy
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EfectofPresureontheGasPhaseReactionofOxidativeCouplingofMethane1)LIUYuLIUXuxiaSHENShikong(StateKeyLaboratoryforOxoSynthesisan... Efect of Precureonthe GasPhaseReactionofOxidativeCouplingofMethane1) LIUYuLIUXuxiaSHENShikong (StateKey Laboratory for OxoSyn
讨论了大直径焊管焊缝边缘引起划痕的原因,分析减少焊缝边缘划痕的方法。指出通过用双圆弧导向辊的孔型和采用合适的钢带宽度,才能够彻底消除焊缝边缘划痕这一现象。 The reas
An efficient and stereoselective four Step Synthesis of (-)Massoialactone (1) is described.The key step intolves deoxygenation of one α,β - unsatoted carbonyl
一日,我接到一通电话,来电者春鹏是我以前的学生。   我们做师徒时,他16岁,而今28,自然,电话内容与课本无关。“我想咨询点情感问题。”他说。   原来,春鹏做了一个梦。梦中,他邂逅了高中时暗恋三年的女生。   女生叫小艾,穿粉红百褶裙,站在窗台上,正拿着一块抹布擦玻璃。她的身边还有个女孩,但面目模糊。春鹏路过她们,小艾一如既往地没注意到他,可面目模糊的那位却喊:“春鹏,再不说就晚了啊!”
一种新的测定植酸间接分光光度法系基于:植酸与氯冉酸锌(zinc chloranilate)进行复分解反应,后者释出氯冉酸,其量与植酸量成正比。本法测定食物中的植酸重现性高并较常规法