Synthesis of ZnO nanorods and their optical absorption in visible-light region

来源 :Rare Metals | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:blueuser
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Single crystalline ZnO nanorods were prepared by the hydrothermal method with synthesized ZnCl2·4Zn(OH)2 as the precursor. Morphologies of the nanorods were controlled by various reaction conditions with cetyltrimethylammo-nium bromide (CTAB) as the modifying agent. The nanorods were characterized by XRD, TEM, UV-Vis spectra, and IR spectra. The microstructure of holes in nanosize was observed on the surface of the nanorods. The UV-Vis spectra indicate that the as-prepared ZnO nanorods have absorption of visible-light as well as ultraviolet-light. Therefore, these nanorods may be good candidates for visible-light photocatalysis materials from the viewpoint of practical applications. The reason for visible-light absorption was discussed in this article. Single crystalline ZnO nanorods were prepared by the hydrothermal method with the synthetic ZnCl2 · 4Zn (OH) 2 as the precursor. Morphologies of the nanorods were controlled by various reaction conditions with cetyltrimethylammo-nium bromide (CTAB) as the modifying agent. The nanorods were characterized by XRD, TEM, UV-Vis spectra, and IR spectra. The microstructure of holes in nanosize was observed on the surface of the nanorods. The UV-Vis spectra indicate that the as-prepared ZnO nanorods have absorption of visible-light as well As the ultraviolet-light. Thus, these nanorods may be good candidates for visible-light photocatalysis materials from the viewpoint of practical applications. The reason for visible-light absorption was discussed in this article.
癞蛤蟆住在一片荒滩上,没有一个邻居,他觉得很孤独。于是,癞蛤蟆决定招邻居。  癞蛤蟆见了天空飞过的小鸟,就说:“我们做个邻居吧。”  小鸟说:“你家门前光秃秃的,我住哪里呢?”  癞蛤蟆见了溪里的小鱼和蝌蚪,就说:“我们做个邻居吧。”  小鱼和蝌蚪说:“你家门前没有水,我们怎么生活呢?”  癞蛤蟆见了草地上的蜜蜂和蝴蝶,就说:“我们做个邻居吧。”  蜜蜂和蝴蝶说:“我们可离不开鲜花呀!”  癞蛤蟆
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灰狼在森林里转了半天,没有找到一点食物,肚子饿得咕噜咕噜直叫。  突然,灰狼看见小鹿在喝水,冲上去一把将他牢牢抓住。小鹿拼命挣扎,大声呼救。  树上的猴子喊:“大家快来啊,灰狼要害小鹿啦!”  灰狼瞪了一眼猴子,说:“我吃小鹿是有理由的。头上有角的都是野心家,我要为民除害!”  犀牛听见呼救声,急忙赶过来。犀牛对灰狼说:“我也有角,你敢吃我吗?”  灰狼回头一看,犀牛威风凛凛地站在他身后,正用鼻子
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