
来源 :江苏教育 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:leki55
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在商品经济大潮兴起的今天,如何将青少年培养成为时代的弄潮儿,已成为教育界研究的主要课题。在这样的情况下,德育工作究竟怎么搞?仅靠班会、校会显然是不够的了。道路在哪里?人们在呼唤在寻找答案。赣榆县沙河中学团校的创办是一个有益的尝试。走进沙河中学团校,只见教室门边挂着校牌,教室内讲台上方墙上挂着用木板制作的团旗。《团校机构》、《团校制度》、《团员义务》、《团员证功能》也制作在一块木板上,放在教室后面的墙上。团员一走进教室,就会受到一种无声的教育。根据不同年龄及职务,团校将学员分成少年班、团员班和团干班三个班,针对学员年龄特点、知识结构备课讲学。少年班重点对少先队员进行团的基本知识教育, Nowadays, with the rise of the commodity economy, how to train young people to be the beach-goers in the era has become a major issue in the education field. In such circumstances, how to engage in moral education work? Only rely on classes, school is clearly not enough. Where are the roads? People are calling for answers. Ganyu County Shahe Middle School Mission School is a beneficial attempt. Into the delegation of Shahe Middle School, I saw the classroom hanging on the door card, classroom classroom podium hanging above the wall made of wooden flags. “School and university institutions”, “school system”, “mission obligations”, “membership card function” is also made on a wooden board, placed on the wall behind the classroom. As soon as members enter the classroom, they receive a silent education. According to different age and job title, the Youth League divided the students into three classes: youth classes, group classes and group classes. They lecture on the age characteristics and knowledge structure of students. Junior classes focus on Young Pioneers basic knowledge of group education,
Ⅰ.单项填空(共 15 小题,每小题 1 分,满分 15 分) 1. As I felt better, my doctor ____ me to take a holiday. A. suggested B. hoped C. considered D. advised A. As I
一、应用背景 河北承德露露集团是以露露集团有限责任公司为核心,以生产露露系列天然饮料为主业,跨区、跨行业和跨国多元化经营的现代企业集团,集团下属 17个企业,总资产13.2亿元。露露
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作者的话: 童年的经历对人的一生都有很大的影响。这种留在你的性格中的焰印,会影响你今天的育儿行为。成人只有反思自己的童年,学习并采用科学的教育方法,才能避免自己所受