【摘 要】
Sphenoidal tensile microfractures with particular patterns have been discovered in the Late Devonian quartzose sandstone in islands and peninsula of the Taihu L
【出 处】
Science in China(Series D:Earth Sciences)
Sphenoidal tensile microfractures with particular patterns have been discovered in the Late Devonian quartzose sandstone in islands and peninsula of the Taihu Lake area. Microfractures present a ‘人’-shape collective pattern, occurring in a single row or multiple rows. The quartz crystals in the inner acute angle area of some ‘人’-shape microfractures have severely been non-crystallized, showing the feature of diaplectic glass. The studies show that these special microfractures were formed during the unloading process after the compression was up to the peak of an impact event.
Sphenoidal tensile microfractures with certain patterns have been discovered in the Late Devonian quartzose sandstone in islands and peninsula of the Taihu Lake area. Microfractures present a ’人’ -shape collective pattern, occurring in a single row or multiple rows. The quartz crystals in the inner acute angle area of some ’人’ -shape microfractures have severely been non-crystallized, showing the feature of diaplectic glass. The studies show that these special microfractures were formed during the unloading process after the compression was up to the peak of an impact event.
1.储层物性实验室研究 (岩石电、声、核物理性质 )。2 .数值模拟与物理模拟研究。3.井间及深探测测井技术研究。4 .高新测井技术 :*阵列声波、阵列感应、阵列中子、阵列侧向
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艾森贝格盆地(Eisenberg Basin)位于梅因茨盆地(Mainz Basin)西南部,为莱茵地堑的一部分。因为化石稀少,这里的地层和梅因茨盆地典型的第三纪地层很难对比。因此,它们的地质
摘要:中等职业院校教育的根本目标在于培养符合现代社会需求的专业型、技能型人才。本文对计算机技能课多元教学方法的运用进行了研究,旨在提高中等职业院校计算机技能课的教学质量。 关键词:中等职业院校 计算机技能课 教学方法 多元化 计算机应用专业是中等职业院校开设最广泛的专业,据统计,我国现有中职计算机专业在校生数量高达150万。计算机操作技能和应用技能是中职生走向社会、走向岗位的立足之本,加强多元
摘要:中职会计教学要善于从就业市场出发,把握客观形势,采用科学合理的教学方法,培养学生的职业素质与专业技术,使他们成为适应岗位需要的实用性人才。 关键词:就业市场 中职 会计实用教学 一、明确会计就业形势与岗位需求 总的来看,会计专业的就业形势比较严峻,面临僧多粥少、上岗难、要求高、就业压力大等特点。众所周知,会计是一个技术与实践结合的专业,它不仅要求从业者具备合格的会计专业知识与技术水平,
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