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法国的艺术在世界艺术史上占有极其重要的位置,其艺术上的重大成就与其艺术教育是密不可分的。 1648年,J.B.库尔伯尔(Jean Baptiste Colbert)根据路易十四的文化政策,创立了皇家油画和雕塑学院(Academie Royale de Peinture etde Sculpture)。这是法国艺术教育史上极其重要的事件。它奠定了后来几个世纪法国艺术教育的模式和传统。学院的组织和课程设置十分复杂,归纳而言,显著特征有四:一、强调并遵从惯例;二、设定了描绘对象的等级次序;三、突出“自然”在理想概念中的作用;四、限定“激情表现”的方式等。 学院的设立,是路易十四帝国野心中文化领域的重要组成部分。它通过上述原则,经由艺术教育,将整个艺术意识乃至文化意识纳入其帝国野心的总体构想之中。这些原则和规定,突出了帝国的政治意识形态特征。例如,它强调“惯例”,如同文学上的法国古典主义,实际要求的是通过历史的回顾来肯定现实统治的高度合法性。在绘画中表现出来的就是以神话、历史和 French art occupies an extremely important place in the history of the world art, and its great achievements in art are inextricably linked with its art education. In 1648, Jean Baptiste Colbert founded the Academie Royale de Peinture etde Sculpture based on the cultural policy of Louis XIV. This is an extremely important event in the history of French art education. It laid the pattern and tradition of French art education over the centuries. The organization and curriculum of the college are very complicated. In terms of induction, there are four salient features: one, emphasizing and following the convention; two, setting the order of the objects to be depicted; third, highlighting the role of “nature” in the ideal concept; , Limited “passion performance” approach. The establishment of the college is an important part of the cultural field of the ambitions of Louis XIV. Through the above principles, through art education, it integrates the entire artistic awareness and cultural awareness into the general idea of ​​its imperial ambitions. These principles and provisions highlight the political ideological characteristics of the empire. For example, it emphasizes “conventions” as the literary French classicism actually demanded the affirmation of the high degree of legitimacy of actual rule through a historical review. What is shown in the painting is myth, history and
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