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路试中的起步很重要、起步顺利,可解除紧张心理。我给大家讲讲起步的要点,也包括准备工作。上车前,先绕车一周,查看拖拉机技术状态是否正常,安全设备连接是否牢固,机车周围有无人、畜或障碍物,后方有无来车。上车后,查看各种仪表,尤其是气压表和油压表,读数正常方可起步。驾驶姿势要端正:胸部略挺,正对方向盘;两手分别握方向盘两侧,操作以右手为主,左手为辅;头部端正,两眼平视前方,看远顾近,两眼余光注意两旁;两脚分开;精力充沛,思想集中。回头看拖车上乘坐的人是否坐好;从左后视镜中查看后方车辆行驶情况:开左方向灯,挂档(五个前进档的用三档,四个前进档的用二档),鸣笛(在非禁止鸣笛地区),抬离合器,松剃车,打方向,起步 The start of the road test is very important, started smoothly, relieve tension. Let me talk about the starting points, including preparation. Before getting on the car, go round the car for the first time to see if the technical status of the tractor is normal, whether the safety equipment is connected securely, whether there are no people around the locomotive, livestock or obstacles, and whether the car is coming behind. After getting on the train, check all kinds of instruments, especially the barometer and the hydraulic gauge. The readings can be started normally. Driving posture to be correct: a little chest slightly, the steering wheel; two hands were gripped the steering wheel on both sides, the operation of the right hand, supplemented by the left hand; head straight, looking flat near the front, near vision, ; Feet apart; energetic, focused thinking. Look back at the trailer to sit on the person sitting well; view the rear vehicle from the left rear-view mirror Driving situation: turn left direction lights, gear (five forward gears with third gear, four forward gears with second gear) Whistle (in the non-whistling area), lift the clutch, relax the car, hit the direction, start
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本文通过冷态试验研究.探讨了流化密封(Fluoseal)送灰器输送、调节特性,提出一种调节流化密封送灰器的新方法,为CFB锅炉经济运行和调节提供了实验依据。 This article through cold test res
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我们镇在普通型水泥管井上共安装长轴泵34台,机井短期报废的有9眼,深井泵也损坏了一些,经济损失严重。原因在哪里呢? 1.井管的装配质量差。水泥井管不含钢筋,工艺要求低,配料