改善外部环境 搞活大中型国营施工企业

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如何搞活大中型企业,已不只是企业的要求,也不只是各行业各部门的要求,而是党中央、国务院的要求。目前各个方面都在着力于把党中央、国务院关于搞活企业的总体要求,深化为搞活企业的具体政策,在企业内部和外部两个方面为搞活大中型企业献计献策。现就改善外部环境搞活大中型国营施工企业的问题谈以下五个观点。 How to invigorate large and medium-sized enterprises is not only a requirement of enterprises, nor is it just a requirement of various industries and departments, but is also a requirement of the Party Central Committee and the State Council. At present, all aspects are focused on deepening the overall requirements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council on invigorating enterprises, deepening the specific policies for the invigoration of enterprises, and providing suggestions on invigorating large and medium-sized enterprises both inside and outside the enterprise. The following five points are discussed on the issue of improving the external environment and invigorating large and medium-sized state-owned construction companies.
在菲律宾北部吕宋地区一间政府所属工厂,开始从药用植物中生产镇痛药和解热药 Production of analgesics and antipyretic drugs from medicinal plants in a government-o
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欧洲激光计划(EU6)是1985年11月6日第二次尤里卡部长会议上通过的首批10个尤里卡计划中的一个。这是一项任务繁重、组织机构复杂、经费高、实施时间长的长期性战略项 The E