Aquaporin-1 Expressed in Cultured Human Trabecular Meshwork Cells

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Objective: To determine if aquaporin-1 could be detected in cultures of human trabecularmeshwork cells.Methods: Using primers specific for aquaporin-1, reverse transcription combined withpolymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) yielded a product and its size with total RNAprepared from the human trabecular meshwork cells. SDS-PAGE and immunoblottingwere also used in this study to detect the specific water channel.Results: The presence of this product and its size (298 base pairs) are consistent withthat of an aquaporin-1 message in these cells. A band of 28 kD in agreement with themolecular size of aquaporin-1 was showed in a film by immunoblotting.Conclusion: The presence of aquaporin-1 in human trabecular meshwork cells, thepredominant cell-type of the primary outflow region of the human eye, suggests that waterchannels may be involved in the movement of aqueous fluid out of the eye. In addition,the existence of aquaporin-1 on cultures of human trabecular meshwork cells provides anin vitro model to study Objective: To determine if aquaporin-1 could be detected in cultures of human trabecular meshwork cells. Methods: Using primers specific for aquaporin-1, reverse transcription combined with polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) yielded a product and its size with total RNAprepared from the Results: The presence of this product and its size (298 base pairs) are consistent with the current of aquaporin-1 message in these cells. A band of 28 kD in agreement with the molecular size of aquaporin-1 was showed in a film by immunoblotting. Conlusion: The presence of aquaporin-1 in human trabecular meshwork cells, the predominant cell-type of the primary outflow region of the human eye, suggests that waterchannels may be involved in the movement of aqueous fluid out of the eye. In addition, the existence of aquaporin-1 on cultures of human trabecular meshwork cells provides anin vi tro model to study
一、引言红外技术发展史表明,一种高性能的新探测器的诞生,必将导致新型系统的出现。1981年6月,英国Mullard公司D. Charton等人在西德幕尼黑第五届国际激光光电子学学术会上
从教学创新的角度出发,分析了高中物理课程艺术资源的存在形式,同时论述了高中物理教学中艺术资源开发在培养学生创新意识上的意义。 From the perspective of teaching inn