
来源 :北京钢铁学院学报 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lujun3
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本文总结了铁素体—马氏体双相钢在磁化过程中由于巴克好森跳跃所产生的巴克好森噪音和磁声发射信号的特征,以及材料的组织结构、应力、应变对信号的影响,探讨了巴克好森信号产生的机制以及与材料变形的内在联系。 This paper summarizes the characteristics of Barkerhausen noise and magnetoacoustic emission signals generated by the Baker Hoesen jump during the magnetization process of ferrite-martensite dual phase steel, as well as the influence of the material structure, stress and strain on the signal , Explores the mechanism of Barker-Morrison signal generation and its intrinsic relationship with the deformation of materials.
It has been experimentally proved that strain hardening exponent has very strong sensitivity to structure. The measuring result of precise experiment indicated
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病人 男 ,2 6岁。胸闷、气促 1个月。查体 :浅表淋巴结无肿大 ,气管明显右侧移位 ,左胸触及语颤消失 ,叩诊呈实音 ,未闻及呼吸音及胸膜摩擦音 ,心尖搏动右移至剑突附近 ,未