In vitro and in vivo investigation of natural compounds from seed extract of Mucuna pruriens lacking

来源 :Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Medicine | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ewen2005
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Objective:To investigate the biological effects of the Mucuna pruriens(M.pruriens)seed extracts that lacked of L-DOPA,which was formerly reported as the active ingredient,on erectile dysfunction(ED)both in vitro and in vivo.Methods:Seed of M.pruriens plant that cultivated in Mae Taeng District,Chiang Mai Province,Thailand,was collected.Component of its seeds were extracted and isolated into 2 fractions using methanol,polar and nonpolar.Each fraction was investigated for phytochemicals using GC/MS and was screened for biological activity In vitro using three different cell lines.The most biological active fraction was used to treat to both steptozotocin(STZ)-induced diabetes mellitus-erectile dysfunction(DM-ED)male wistar rats and normal rats(n=6 per groups)to compare the effect on sexual behaviour parameters,including number of intromission,mounting and ejaculation,with that of rats given Sildenafil by individually pairing with their female counterparts.Penile tissues and serums were collected to determine histological structure,related gene expression and biomolecules.Results:The phytochemicals of the polar fraction were possibly catechol and its derivatives plus polyphenols,whereas the nonpolar fraction consisted of lipid derivatives.L-DOPA was not detected in either of the extracts.The polar fraction was able to up-regulate the expression of ED-related genes including e NOS and n NOS in vitro which subsequently promotes NO production and maintains intracellular cG MP levels.When administrated to DM-ED rats,the polar extract significantly improved all sexual behaviour parameters in DM-ED rats compare to untreated group(18.3±1.8 to 10.8±2.9 for intromission,9.8±2.2 to 5.7±1.3 for mounting,and 1.8±0.6 to 0.2±0.4 for ejaculation).That effect might due to the ability of the extract to stimulate the expression of eN OS and nN OS which results in NO production and subsequently maintains cG MP levels in penile tissue.Moreover,this extract may also prevent penile tissue deterioration due to diabetes.Conclusions:The polar extract of M.pruriens seed can be used for ED therapy,especially in patients with metabolic diseases including diabetes.The action of the extract might be due to catechol and its derivatives and polyphenols. Objective: To investigate the biological effects of the Mucuna pruriens (M. pruriens) seed extract that lacked of L-DOPA, which was formerly reported as the active ingredient, on erectile dysfunction (ED) both in vitro and in vivo. Methods: Seed of M. pruriens plant that cultivated in Mae Taeng District, Chiang Mai Province, Thailand, was collected. Component of its seeds were extracted and isolated into 2 fractions using methanol, polar and nonpolar. Each fraction was investigated for phytochemicals using GC / MS and was screened for biological activity In vitro using three different cell lines. The most biological active fraction was used to treat to both steptozotocin (STZ) -induced diabetes mellitus-erectile dysfunction (DM-ED) male wistar rats and normal rats (n = 6 per groups) to compare the effect on sexual behavior parameters, including number of intromission, mounting and ejaculation, with that of rats given Sildenafil by individually pairing with their female counterparts. ollected to determine histological structure, related gene expression and biomolecules. Results: The phytochemicals of the polar fraction were possibly catechol and its derivatives plus polyphenols, whereas the nonpolar fraction consisted of lipid derivatives. L-DOPA was not detected in either of the extracts. The polar fraction was able to up-regulate the expression of ED-related genes including eNOS and nNOS among which promote as NO production and sustain intracellular cG MP levels .When administered to DM-ED rats, the polar extract significantly improved all sexual behavior parameters in DM-ED rats compare to untreated group (18.3 ± 1.8 to 10.8 ± 2.9 for intromission, 9.8 ± 2.2 to 5.7 ± 1.3 for mounting, and 1.8 ± 0.6 to 0.2 ± 0.4 for ejaculation) .That effect might due to the ability of the extract to stimulate the expression of eN OS and nN OS which results in NO production and yet maintains cG MP levels in penile tissue. Moreover, this extract may also prevent penile ti ssue deterioration due to diabetes. Conclusions: The polar extract of M. prieiens seed can be used for ED therapy, especially in patients with metabolic diseases including diabetes. The action of the extract might be due to catechol and its derivatives and polyphenols.
一回家,弟弟又蹦又跳,惊喜地喊着告诉我:“姐姐,爸爸买了一只螃蟹,给咱俩玩。”这下不用隔三岔五地去超市看螃蟹了。  爸爸把螃蟹从袋子里拿出来。只见螃蟹用一根红白相间的像筷子一样粗细的棉绳绑着,有拳头那么大,像人犯了错误一样被绑得严严实实,嘴里还不停地吐泡泡,发出“啧啧啧”的声音,好像在说:“放开我,我是被冤枉的。”  爸爸把系(jì)在螃蟹背上的绳子解开,刚才还一动不动的螃蟹马上就显示出它的霸(b
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临床症状 本病以胃肠鼓气为特点,突然发生,病猪腹胀如鼓,胃壁扩张,造成消化障碍。通常在猪采食后15~20分钟表现症状,病猪呼吸加快,眼球周边充血,个别起瞽眼。严重的四肢不灵活,口鼻流黏性泡沫,肛门突出至死亡。本病有群发特点,病猪皮肤发红或呈蓝紫色。  病因分析 不定时饲喂、饥饱不均等应激反应是诱因,若饲料霉变可并发亚硝酸盐中毒。  防治措施 加强饲养管理,按猪的需要量饲喂,给料均衡。防止猪过饱,投
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