初见许彬彬,心里直纳闷:这就是高级工程师、上海市浦东新区城建局副局长吗?年纪轻轻,颀长清瘦,面带微笑,彬彬有礼,鼻粱上架着近视镜,一酎文弱书生的模样。 就是他,去年初,在轰动海内外的浦东新区面向全国公开招聘干部中,敢于竞争,过关斩将,脱颖而出,成为仅有2名副局长中的一员。于是,他变成了新闻人物,中央和地方乃至境外的新闻单位追踪采访他,千千万万双眼睛注视着他…… 壮士过“江” 从零开始 “许彬彬怎么啦!要去浦东工作?”去年初,这一消息在国家建材局苏州混凝土制品研究院传开后,人们大惑不解,众说纷纭。
First saw Xu Binbin, my heart straight wonder: This is a senior engineer, Shanghai Pudong New Area Deputy Secretary for Urban Construction? Young, long and thin, smiling, courteous, nose shelves with myopia, a weak weak scholar appearance. That is, at the beginning of last year, in the Pudong New Area which was arousing the public recruitment of cadres at home and abroad, he dared to compete and pass through the ranks and became one of only two deputy directors. As a result, he became a news figure, the central and local news reporters and even outside of his follow-up interview with him, tens of thousands of pairs of eyes watching him ... ... Warriors over the “river” from scratch "Xu Binbin how to go to work in Pudong? Early last year, the news spread in the State Building Materials Bureau of Suzhou Concrete Research Institute, people are puzzled, divergent views.