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天津市房地产经济学会于2002年9月完成了天津市房地产管理局下达的《关于住宅租金结构构成的研究》软科学课题研究项目并通过了专家委员会评审。该项研究成果以马克思主义价值论为指导,弘扬“三个代表”重要思想和“与时俱进”精神,对传统的租金结构构成理论进行了大胆地探讨,运用科学方法提出了住宅租金价值结构的新论点。开拓性地研究提出以住宅买卖市场价格为依据和以住宅重值完全价值为依据的两种新的计租办法以及房租率、地租率与房地租金率之间的变化规律。运用实证法遴选105个市场租金实例与成果测算数据相验证,偏离度均在±20%以内,较为贴近。该项成果可广泛应用于制定和调整住房租赁市场的指导租金、住房制度改革和国有房产企业化经营等领域,有较强的理论价值和实用价值。限于篇幅,将该成果的主要论点浓缩为:《住宅租金价值结构的理论探讨》、《房价与房租的比价关系》、《计算住宅租金所依据的住宅价值》、《住宅计租办法创新》、《住宅租金测算数据实证》和《住宅租金价值结构理论的应用》等6篇论文,本刊将从2003年第7期起连载,欢迎广大读者批评指正。 In September 2002, Tianjin Real Estate Economics Society completed the soft science research project “Study on the Composition of Residential Rent Structure” issued by Tianjin Real Estate Administration and passed the review by the expert committee. Guided by the Marxist axiology, this research achievement carries forward the important thought of “Three Represents” and the spirit of “advancing with the times” and probes into the traditional structure theory of rent structure. It puts forward the value of residential rents by scientific methods New argument of structure. Pioneering study put forward two new methods based on the price of housing market and the full value of residential rents as well as the law of rent, rent and land rent. Using the empirical method to select 105 market rent cases and the results of measurement data, the degree of deviation is within ± 20%, which is closer. The results can be widely used in the development and adjustment of the rental market guidance rent, housing reform and state-owned real estate business management and other fields, has strong theoretical and practical value. Due to space limitations, the main thesis of this achievement is condensed into “the theoretical discussion on the value structure of residential rentals”, “the relationship between the price and the rent,” “the value of residential housing on which residential rents are based,” “innovations in rent accounting methods” “Residential Revenue Measurement Data Empirical” and “Residential Rent Value Structure Theory” and other six papers, the publication will be serial No.7 from 2003, welcomed the majority of readers criticism and correction.
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