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“科学技术是第一生产力”,是邓小平同志根据国际政治经济出现的新情况和世界科技革命发展的新趋势,基于我国社会主义建设的经验和面临的问题,提出的一个英明论断。也是对马克思主义生产力学说的重大发展。现在的问题是如何解放科技生产力,发展科技生产力,为科技生产力的发展开路。 然而,要真正解放和发展科技生产力并不是一件易事,它涉及到许多方面的关系,需要各方面的配套改革和调整。要求采取一系列切实有效的举措,归纳起来,主要有以下几点: 第一,要把经济的发展战略真正调整到依靠科技进步的轨道上来。我国的经济发展战略是本世纪后二十年实行工农业产值翻两番达到小康水平。前十年,我们已经提前完成了翻番任务,后十年的任务是再翻一番。实践表明,这一目标可以通过许多途径达到,但是,唯有依靠科技进步和劳动者素质的提高,才能顺利实现再翻番目标,并为下个世纪的后续发展奠定基础。否则,即使本世纪翻上去,下个世纪还会掉下来。如此这般,我们就会更加落后。因此,从现在 “Science and technology are primary productive forces” is a brilliant conclusion put forward by Comrade Deng Xiaoping based on the new situation in the international political and economic development and the new trend of world scientific and technological revolution, based on the experience and problems faced by our country’s socialist construction. It is also a major development of the theory of Marxist productivity. The question now is how to liberate scientific and technological productivity, develop the productivity of science and technology, and open the way for the development of science and technology productivity. However, to truly liberate and develop the productivity of science and technology is not an easy task. It involves many aspects of relations and requires complementary reforms and adjustments in various fields. To sum up, a series of practical and effective measures are required. First, we must adjust the economic development strategy to relying on the progress of science and technology. Our strategy of economic development is to quadruple the output of industry and agriculture to achieve a well-to-do level in the 20 years after this century. In the first ten years, we have already completed the task of doubling ahead of schedule and the task in the next decade will double again. Practice shows that this goal can be achieved in many ways. However, only by relying on scientific and technological advances and improving the quality of workers can we achieve the goal of doubling again and lay the foundation for the follow-up development in the next century. Otherwise, even if this century turns up, the next century will fall. In this case, we will be more backward. So from now on
中国惠普有限公司(CHP)与上海声学学会合作,于11月11日在上海成功地举办了一次“声学信号分析仪应用”讲座。美国 HP公司的Bob Patera先生介绍了HP公司在声学测量方面的最新