
来源 :兰州大学学报(社会科学版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xinxinzhang2
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改革开放以来,地方政府在中央放权的利益诱导下加剧了竞争,这客观上推动了GDP增长,同时,也带来诸多问题。新一届政府提出了经济与社会均衡发展的理念,在公共服务领域增加投入、提升质量。由于中央政府掌握着财政资源分配和官员升迁的决定权,中央的政策风向标直接影响到地方政府的行为选择。某些地方将公共服务作为政府间竞争的新增长点,试图以此提升竞争绩效。以此为背景,通过对地方政府竞争进行政治和市场维度的二元划分,构建起相关的模型和指标体系。对数据进行标准化处理后,通过统计排序对中部六省从1996至2005年间的竞争绩效和公共服务水平进行评估和比较,进而利用最小二乘法(OLS)建立回归模型,分析不同变量之间的相关性。研究的主要发现包括:(1)各省在政治和市场维度竞争上的表现存在一定差异;(2)各省公共服务水平在2002年之后逐渐趋同;(3)经济发展水平与公共服务水平不存在显著的相关性;(4)公共服务水平的改进有助于提升当地政治维度竞争绩效,而政治维度的竞争优势反过来又有助于推动公共服务水平的提高,两者构成一个可持续的良性循环。 Since the reform and opening up, local governments have intensified competition induced by the interest of the central delegation of power, which has objectively promoted GDP growth and brought about many problems at the same time. The new government proposed the concept of a balanced development of economy and society, increased investment in public services and improved quality. Since the central government has the power to decide on the allocation of financial resources and the promotion of officials, the central government’s policy direction directly affects the choice of behavior of local governments. In some places, public service is used as a new growth point in intergovernmental competition in an attempt to improve competitive performance. On this background, through the dual division of the political and market dimensions of local government competition, the related model and index system are established. After standardizing the data, we evaluated and compared the competition performance and public service performance of six provinces in Central China from 1996 to 2005 through statistical sorting, and then established the regression model by least squares (OLS) to analyze the correlation among different variables Sex. The main findings of the study include: (1) there is a certain difference in the performance of provinces in the political and market dimensions of competition; (2) the level of public service in all provinces gradually converges after 2002; (3) there is no significant difference between the level of economic development and the level of public service (4) The improvement of public service level helps to enhance the competitive performance of the local political dimension, and the competitive advantage of the political dimension in turn helps to promote the improvement of public services, which form a sustainable and virtuous circle .
本文根据新课标的英语教学评价理念,分析中学英语课堂教学中的评价误区,找出教师在进行发展性评价的过程中存在的问题,并尝试寻找解决这些问题的方法。 According to the ne