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本刊综合报道:对部分出口商品实行配额招标,是进一步改革外经贸体制的一项重大措施,又是完善进出口管理制度的大胆尝试。党的十四届三中全会通过的《中共中央关于建立社会主义市场经济若干问题的决定》提出:“对少数实行数量限制的进出口商品的管理,按照效益,公正和公开的原则,实行配额招标。”外经贸部根据上述决定和国务院批准的《出口商品管理暂行办法》,今年3月1日公布《出口商品配额招标办法(试行)》,办法规定,对少数限制出口的商品,采取有偿招标方式,招标数量由外经贸部根据上年度配额商品的出口实绩和国际市场的需求确定,招标委员会在外经贸部确定的商品总量内实行招标,投标企业中标后,按中标数量乘以配额价格(单位配额所需支付的,以人民币计算的金额),向中标委员会缴纳中标金。第一批配额招标的商品有苎麻纱、棉漂布、人参、甘草、大蒜、蜂蜜、苎麻条/球、精干麻、原木、轻(重)烧镁、氟石块(粉),蔺草制品等13种。3月上旬,中国纺织品进出口商会,中国医药保健品进出口商会,中国食品土畜产进出口商会,中国五金矿产化工进出口商会和中国轻工工艺进出口商会等五家商会分别在《国际商报》发表《出口配额招标 The comprehensive report of the journal: The implementation of quota bidding on some export commodities is a major measure for further reform of the foreign economic and trade system, and it is also a bold attempt to improve the import and export management system. The “Decision of the Central Committee of the CPC on Several Issues Concerning the Establishment of a Socialist Market Economy” passed by the Third Plenary Session of the 14th CPC Central Committee puts forward: “The management of import and export commodities subject to quantitative restrictions on a few shall be implemented in accordance with the principles of efficiency, fairness and openness. Quota tendering.” According to the above-mentioned decision and the “Interim Measures for the Administration of Export Commodities” approved by the State Council, the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation promulgated the “Measures for the Tendering of Export Commodity Quotas (Trial)” on March 1st this year. The regulations provide that for a small number of goods subject to export restrictions, In the case of paid bidding, the number of tenders is determined by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation based on the export performance of quota items in the previous year and the needs of the international market. The tendering committee conducts tenders within the total amount of goods determined by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic Cooperation. After bidding for bids by the enterprises, the number of bids is multiplied by the number of successful bids. With the quota price (the amount to be paid for a unit quota in RMB), the winning bid fee shall be paid to the winning bid committee. The first batch of products subject to quota bidding include ramie yarn, cotton bleaching cloth, ginseng, licorice, garlic, honey, ramie/ball, lean hemp, logs, light (heavy) burnt magnesium, fluorspar blocks (powder), and grass products. Wait for 13 kinds. In early March, five chambers of commerce including the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Textiles, the Chamber of Commerce for the Import and Export of Chinese Medicines and Health Products, the China Chamber of Commerce for the Import and Export of Food and Livestock Products, the China Chamber of Commerce for the Import and Export of Metals, Minerals and Chemicals, and the China Chamber of Commerce for Import and Export of Light Industrial Products were respectively Newspaper published ”Export quota bidding
在我行信用证业务不断增加的情况下,一些各色各样的条款也逐渐增多。与发生业务银行间关系最为密切的莫过于偿付条款。可以说,偿付条款是在议付行向开证行提 With the cont
随着全球化进程的加快,高等教育的竞争也不可避免。本文作者认为:竞争能提高质量,学校应该有更大的自主权。 With the acceleration of globalization, competition in high