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P53基因作为明确的抑癌基因,已被广泛而深入地研究,且一直被作为一个单独的基因而不是作为某个基因家族的一员来看待。直至其同源基因P63的发现才使人们更进一步认识到P53基因是属于一个很大的家族。其不局限于肿瘤的发生、发展,更涉及个体的生长与发育。近年研究提出,P63基因将作为宫颈鳞癌及具有向鳞状上皮分化倾向的储备细胞的标志物。因而P63基因在宫颈肿瘤发生、发展过程中都起着重要作用。进一步研究P63基因的结构及表达特点、P63基因在宫颈癌前病变发生发展中所发挥的作用、P63与HPV在宫颈病变中的关系,将有助于探讨在宫颈癌早期诊断中的意义,这已是医学多学科共同研究的热点。 The P53 gene, as a definitive tumor suppressor gene, has been extensively and deeply studied and has been treated as a single gene rather than as a member of a gene family. Until the discovery of its homologous gene P63 to make people further realize that P53 gene belongs to a big family. It is not limited to the occurrence and development of tumors, but also relates to individual growth and development. Recent studies suggest that the P63 gene will serve as a marker of cervical squamous cell carcinoma and a reserve cell that has a tendency to differentiate into squamous epithelium. Thus P63 gene plays an important role in the occurrence and development of cervical cancer. To further study the structure and expression of P63 gene, the role of P63 in the development of cervical precancerous lesions, the relationship between P63 and HPV in cervical lesions, will help explore the significance of early diagnosis of cervical cancer, which It is the hot spot of multidisciplinary research in medicine.
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现在的色彩,并不以再现自然色为目的,而是作为一种具有独立表达意义的元素,已经可以自成一种表达语言。 The present color does not aim at the reproduction of natural c
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中国一代表团在西德访问中,被邀去听音乐会,是主人对贵客的盛情表现。第一个节目,(?)西德一著名广播交响乐队演奏门德尔松的作品。下一个节目,由同一乐队演奏现代派的一 Du
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