Research progress of Si-based germanium materials and devices

来源 :Journal of Semiconductors | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:st_daivd
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Si-based germanium is considered to be a promising platform for the integration of electronic and photonic devices due to its high carrier mobility, good optical properties, and compatibility with Si CMOS technology.However, some great challenges have to be confronted, such as:(1) the nature of indirect band gap of Ge;(2) the epitaxy of dislocation-free Ge layers on Si substrate; and(3) the immature technology for Ge devices. The aim of this paper is to give a review of the recent progress made in the field of epitaxy and optical properties of Ge heterostructures on Si substrate, as well as some key technologies on Ge devices. High crystal quality Ge epilayers,as well as Ge/Si Ge multiple quantum wells with high Ge content, were successfully grown on Si substrate with a low-temperature Ge buffer layer. A local Ge condensation technique was proposed to prepare germanium-oninsulator(GOI) materials with high tensile strain for enhanced Ge direct band photoluminescence. The advances in formation of Gen~+ p shallow junctions and the modulation of Schottky barrier height of metal/Ge contacts were a significant progress in Ge technology. Finally, the progress of Si-based Ge light emitters, photodetectors, and MOSFETs was briefly introduced. These results show that Si-based Ge heterostructure materials are promising for use in the next-generation of integrated circuits and optoelectronic circuits. Si-based germanium is considered to be promising platform for the integration of electronic and photonic devices due to its high carrier mobility, good optical properties, and compatibility with Si CMOS technology. However, some great challenges have to be confronted, such as: (1) the nature of indirect band gap of Ge; (2) the epitaxy of dislocation-free Ge layers on Si substrate; and (3) the immature technology for Ge devices. The aim of this paper is to give a review of the recent progress made in the field of epitaxy and optical properties of Ge heterostructures on Si substrate, as well as some key technologies on Ge devices. High crystal quality Ge epilayers, as well as Ge / Si Ge multiple quantum wells with high Ge content, were successfully grown on Si substrate with a low-temperature Ge buffer layer. A local Ge condensation technique was proposed to prepare germanium-oninsulator (GOI) materials with high tensile strain for enhanced Ge direct band photoluminescence. The advances in for The progress of Si-based Ge light emitters, photodetectors, and MOSFETs was temporarily introduced. These results show that Si-based Ge heterostructure materials are promising for use in the next-generation of integrated circuits and optoelectronic circuits.
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4、。,7.一。,一~。一一_.‘!‘#■日’㈣一m:lJ。々465名运动员参加了垃哦}以t51谫蓑总;撵兰2002年全国少年田径锦标赛 4, One. , A ~. One by one _. ’!’ # ■ day ’(
今年是毛主席《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表60周年。我手头珍藏郭沫若同志在1967年5月纪念《在延安文艺座谈会上的讲话》发表25周年庆祝大会上写的一首诗的手迹。 1967