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当下,我们的公文写作教学和公文写作实践出现一些问题。首先是公文写作教学存在误区。为迎合目前浮躁的社会环境和快餐文化,我们往往把各种公文的写作极端简单化,搞出一些所谓“格式化”、“标准化”的写作模式或“标准制作”的范本,供人来模仿和套用。不可否认,这种标准模式对一些结构简单的公文的写作来说,有一定的指导作用。但却不能把它当作万能模式来套用,更不能引导大家像填空一样的去填写或摹写公文。这种标准模式把原本丰富多彩、富有创造性的公文写作格式化、固定化,容易使学生走入误区,走进歧途,以为写公文不过如此简单,不用动脑筋,依照所谓的既定格式模板进行照搬套用或模仿就行了。我们知道,写作是人类的高级 At present, some problems arise in the practice of teaching Chinese and writing documents. First, there is a misunderstanding in the teaching of document writing. To cater to the current impetuous social environment and fast food culture, we tend to simplify the writing of various official documents and come up with some so-called “formatting”, “standardization” writing modes or “standard production” Template, for people to imitate and apply. It is undeniable that this standard model for some simple structure of the official document writing, there is a guide. But it can not be used as a universal model to apply, but can not guide you like to fill in the same blank to fill out or copy official documents. This standard model of the original colorful, creative document writing format, fixed, easy to make the students into the misunderstanding, go astray, thinking that writing documents but so simple, no brains, in accordance with the so-called format of the template to copy Apply or imitate on the line. We know that writing is human advanced
例 1男 ,72岁。因间歇性无痛性肉眼血尿 2个月入院。患病期间无尿频、尿急、尿痛等症状。尿常规检查红细胞满视野。IVP示膀胱左侧壁 3.0cm× 4 .0cm充盈缺损 ,缺损区边缘不规
A set-reset all-optical flip-flop(SR-AOFF) based on semiconductor optical amplifier Mach-Zehnder interferometer(SOA-MZI) is proposed. Simulation results show th
我矿主井为斜井提升,使用 XKT2×2×1B-20型矿井提升机,配 TKD 电控。提升容器为1吨 U 形矿车7辆,串车提升。因副斜井为无极绳人车,只能上下人员,主井绞车担负着提煤、提矸
一、概 述我队在推广水城队的U形及阶梯形钎头中对性质不同的岩石进行了穿孔测定,发现两种钎头各有一定的优缺点,本着取长补短的精神,我队试制了一种U梯钎头,经在6~7级岩石试