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提起互联网,人们自然而然就会想到安全问题,从2000年千年虫的出现,到后来的黑客侵袭,直到911的突发事件给世贸中心里众多企业带来的重大损失,网络已不再仅仅局限于一种表面性的病毒侵害。在当今这个日益网络化的社会,保证网络以及信息系统和基础设施的安全,已成为当务之急。在这场信息经济的大潮中,如何使网络变的更加安全也就成了全国以至全世界关心的话题。网络的迅速发展和广泛应用,正使企业的商业运作模式产生革命性的变化,企业的信息系统占据了企业竞争优势的主体地位。可是,各种灾难或突发事件都有可能造成企业业务的中断,以及因不能及时恢复系统导致企业应用停止或丢失数据,这些会对企业的服务质量、声誉造成严重影响,甚至会面临生存的困难。网络时代的到来可以为企业带来无限发展,也可以为企业造成种种困扰,如今出自网络内部的安全隐患正在频频告急,那么在这种矛盾中我们唯一能做的就是先了解它,然后驾驭它!正所谓:“知己知彼,方能百战不殆!”如何才能使网络发挥其作用,帮助企业更快的发展,记者走访了有关方面的专业人员,看他们是怎样谈网络安全如何助企业一臂之力的。 With the Internet in mind, people naturally think of security issues. From the millennium bug in 2000 to the subsequent hacking, until the Sept. 11 attacks caused heavy losses to many businesses in the World Trade Center, the network is no longer limited to A superficial virus attack. In today’s increasingly networked society, securing networks and information systems and infrastructure has become a top priority. In this tide of information economy, how to make the Internet more secure has become a topic of concern to all over the country and the rest of the world. The rapid development and extensive application of the Internet is causing the business operation mode of enterprises to have a revolutionary change. The enterprise information system occupies the dominant position of the enterprise’s competitive advantage. However, all kinds of disasters or unexpected events may cause business interruption, and business applications can not be stopped or lost due to the system can not be resumed in time, which will have a serious impact on the quality of service, reputation of the enterprise, or even survive difficult. The advent of the Internet age can bring about unlimited development for the enterprise, but also can cause problems for the enterprise. Today, the security risks arising from the internal network are constantly getting out of order. So the only thing we can do in this contradiction is to understand it first and then control it As the saying goes: “Know thyself, before we can play by yourself!” How to make the network play its role to help enterprises develop faster, the reporter interviewed professionals in relevant fields to see how they are talking about how cybersecurity can help enterprises .
目的:探讨穴位的物质基础及穴位血管与钙的分布.方法:(1) 在成人小腿骨间膜的墨汁灌注标本上,观测其胃经(胫侧缘)沿线的3,4,5及7寸(中医使用的同身寸,以下全同)处血管的分布