The Application of Expand Option of Real Options in Human Resources Evaluation

来源 :Journal of China University of Mining & Technology(English E | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:zhouyulong456
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The traditional models of evaluating human resources are mainly based upon the discounted value of future payment, but these models fail to take the employment risk into account, and often neglect the uncertainty and underes- timate the human resource value. This paper first introduces the option theory, and then presents human resources as the real commodity for the call option. Second, concerning the choices for the uncertainty decision, the decisions of delay- ing the employment of the human resources, expanding or deducing the scale of human resources, giving up or chang- ing human resources, etc., are made to deal with the future uncertainties appropriately. This will cause the investment to be more beneficial or to reduce the loss. Finally, the expand option theory of real options is used to evaluate the value of reinvestment in human resources, and the expand option theory could be provided as a reference for management im- plementation and decision-making in human resources. The traditional models of evaluating human resources are mainly based upon the discounted value of future payment, but these models fail to take the employment risk into account, and often neglect the uncertainty and underes- timate the human resource value. This paper first introduces the option theory, and then presents human resources as the real commodity for the call option. second, concerning the choices for the uncertainty decision, the decisions of delay- ing the employment of the human resources, expanding or deducing the scale of human resources, giving up This will cause the investment to be more beneficial or to reduce the loss. Finally, the expand option theory of real options is used to evaluate the value of reinvestment in human resources, and the expand option theory could be provided as a reference for management im- plementation and decision-making in human resources.
摘要 作为极具影响力的作家,塞林格和海明威都成功地抓住了美国一代人的本质。本论文重在探究塞林格的《麦田里的守望者》和海明威的《士兵之家》在主题和人物塑造方面的相似之处。  关键词:相似 主题 人物塑造 异化  杰罗姆·塞林格的《麦田里的守望者》(下文简称《麦》)和欧内斯特·海明威的《士兵之家》(下文简称《士》)完成于不同的时代,各有各的写作特征。但是在这两部作品中,读者会感受到相似的气氛:敏感、精
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