
来源 :管理@人 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:rzptxjgl
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绩效管理是连接员工个体行为和组织目标之间最直接的桥梁。比如,公司今年要达到三千万的销售额,该公司总共有十个销售人员,那么分解之后就是人均三百万的销售指标。要完成这个销售指标,销售人员起码得售出一百台仪器。如果一般情况下一个客户只购买一台仪器,那么每个销售人员就得联系至少一百个客户才可能达到目标。假定一年三百个工作日,那么他们平均每三天就得搞定一个客户,这就意味着他们的行为必须时刻围着客户转,打电话、发短信、请客户吃饭喝酒等等,否则无法完成个人的销售指标,而组织目标也就难以实现。因此在这种情况下,考核个人销售指标的完成与否,就能够将个体的行为导向客户,从而建立起个体行为与组织目标之间的联系。 Performance management is the most direct link between individual behavior and organizational goals. For example, a company that has sales of 30 million units this year has a total of ten salespeople, and the breakdown is followed by sales of three million people. To complete this sales target, sales staff have to sell at least one hundred instruments. If, in general, a customer buys only one piece of equipment, each salesperson has to contact at least a hundred customers to achieve his goal. Assuming 300 working days a year, they have to get one customer on average every three days, which means that their behavior must always be around customer calls, texting, asking customers to eat and drink, etc. Complete personal sales targets, and organizational goals will be difficult to achieve. Therefore, in this case, the assessment of the completion of individual sales indicators, we can direct the individual’s behavior to the customer, so as to establish the link between individual behavior and organizational goals.
我是一张金色的犁 I am a golden plow
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我们在生活中会遇到种种困难、挫折,你是怎样对待的?是在困难面前低头,还是坚定不移地战胜它?可是你有没有想过,困难、挫折也 We encounter various difficulties and setba
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