
来源 :中国考试 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:juk3donda
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山东省实施高等教育自学考试制度已有14年的历史。在此期间,省考办遵循自学考试这种独特的高等教育形式的教育规律,坚持改革开拓,使这种教育形式得到长足发展,显示出强大的生命力。山东省1984年4月首次考试,开考了法律、会计、汉语言文学、党政干部基础科4个专业的4门课程,报考人数4万余人。1989年以前的六年间,报考人数最多时在10万人左右。自1990年起,开考专业不断调整,由1990年的二十二个专科、五个本科,发展到1996年上半年专科五十三个专业,本科十二个专业,报考人数达到39万人,后六年间,纯增考生30万人。每次报考的平均增长率在20%以上。1997年4月的考试,报考人数为46万余人。我省自学考试的报考人数,目前在全国30个省、自治区、直辖市中占第一位,而且还处于上升 Shandong Province has implemented the system of self-study examination of higher education for 14 years. During this period, the Provincial Examination Office to follow self-study examinations of this unique form of higher education in education, adhere to the reform and opening up, so that this form of education has made great progress, showing great vitality. Shandong Province in April 1984 for the first time exams, open exams in law, accounting, Chinese language and literature, party and government cadres basic four subjects 4 courses, apply for more than 40,000 people. In the six years before 1989, the number of applicants was about 100,000 at the most. Since 1990, there has been a continual readjustment of majors in the examination field from 22 undergraduate and 5 undergraduate majors in 1990 to 53 undergraduate majors and 12 undergraduate majors in the first half of 1996 with a total of 390,000 applicants In the last six years, 300,000 purely candidates were admitted. The average rate of increase for each application is above 20%. April 1997 examination, the number of applicants for 46 million people. The number of applicants for self-study examinations in our province now occupies the first place among the 30 provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government in our country, and is still on the rise
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