
来源 :中国广告 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sprach
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据报载,美国《底特律新闻》非常注意维护报纸广告的声誉,规定凡刊登食品广告,都要先经责任编辑品尝。该报在编辑办公室里设有大冰箱,内装各种食品,以示该报认真、不苟的态度。由此联想到我们有些新闻单位,不顾广告内容的真假,只要经营单位交足广告费,就照登、照播,大肆宣传,结果让一些坑害用户、靠行骗赚钱的单位和个人钻了空子。比如,目前出现的买空 According to reports, the United States “Detroit News” pays great attention to maintaining the reputation of newspaper advertisements and stipulates that wherever food advertisements are published, they must first be responsible for editing and tasting. The newspaper has a large refrigerator in the editorial office that contains a variety of foods to show the newspaper’s serious and unabashed attitude. This reminds us that some of our news units, regardless of the true or false advertising content, as long as the business unit to pay advertising fees, according to Deng, Zhao broadcast, loud propaganda, the results of some users and rely on fraud to make money to find a way out of the loopholes . For example, the current buying
为适应当今国际安全形势的新发展和新军事变革的需要,世界各国军队的体制编制均不同程度地进行了调整,呈现出许多新的特点和发展趋势。 In order to meet the needs of the
人们并不害怕失败,他们只是不知道要如何才能成功。 我们每个人都为自己的成功(或失败)负责。在行销事业上赢得胜利也不例外。要想胜券在握,你必须采取专 People are not a
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每当提及二战中的冲绳岛战役,人们更多的是想到惨烈的陆战厮杀,但事实上,海空战比陆上战役更为血腥和残酷。 When it comes to the battle of Okinawa in World War II, peo
日本1995年上半年与中国的双边贸易持续增长。 一、首次冲破250亿美元。 据日本大藏省通关统计,日本今年上半年与中国的双边贸易金额较94年同期上升了25.6%,达259亿7913万美