
来源 :中西医结合心脑血管病杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:greenman
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目的观察茯苓总三萜(TTP)对小鼠最大电休克模型、戊四唑模型以及大鼠皮层定位注射青霉素诱发癫痫模型的对抗作用。方法采用最大电休克和戊四唑惊厥模型,灌胃小鼠不同剂量茯苓总三萜,以拉莫三嗪(LTG)为对照,观察其抗惊厥作用;建立大鼠皮层定位注射青霉素诱发癫痫模型,以拉莫三嗪为阳性对照,观察两种剂量茯苓总三萜灌胃给药对青霉素诱发癫痫发作和海马区痫性放电的潜伏期、痫波发放频率及痫波最高波幅的影响。结果不同剂量TTP对MES模型均有对抗作用,且量效呈正相关性,但最大效能较拉莫三嗪弱。两种剂量TTP(80 mg/kg,160 mg/kg)均可延长MET发作潜伏期,与对照组比较均有统计学意义(P<0.01),且作用较拉莫三嗪强。两种剂量茯苓总三萜(140 mg/kg,280 mg/kg)和拉莫三嗪(180 mg/kg)均可延长大鼠癫痫发作潜伏期,减轻发作的程度,延长痫性放电的潜伏期(P<0.01),减少痫波发放频率,减小放电最高波幅,与模型组比较,均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论茯苓总三萜可明显对抗小鼠最大电休克和戊四唑惊厥,抑制大鼠皮层定位注射青霉素诱发的癫痫发作和痫性放电,产生抗癫痫作用,但抗MES作用较拉莫三嗪弱而抗MET和青霉素惊厥作用较拉莫三嗪强。 Objective To observe the antitumor effect of total triterpenoids (TTP) of Tuckahoe (Tuckahoe) on the model of maximal electroshock in mice, the model of pentylenetetrazole and the model of cortical injection of penicillin-induced epilepsy in rats. Methods The maximum electroshock and pentylenetetrazole seizure model was used. The total triterpenoids of Poria cocos were inoculated in different dosages in mice, and the anticonvulsant effect was observed with lamotrigine (LTG). The model of penicillin-induced epilepsy , Lamotrigine as a positive control to observe the two doses of Poria total triterpenoid administration of penicillin-induced epileptic seizures and epileptic seizures in the hippocampus of the incubation period, the frequency of epileptic waves and the maximum amplitude of the impact of epileptic wave amplitude. Results Different doses of TTP had antagonistic effect on MES model, and the dose-effect was positively correlated, but the maximal efficacy was weaker than that of lamotrigine. Both doses of TTP (80 mg / kg, 160 mg / kg) prolonged the latency of MET onset compared with the control group (P <0.01), and its effect was stronger than that of lamotrigine. Triterpenoids (140 mg / kg, 280 mg / kg) and lamotrigine (180 mg / kg) at both doses both prolonged the seizure latency, reduced the extent of seizure and prolonged the latency of epileptic discharge ( P <0.01), reduce the frequency of epileptic waves and reduce the maximum amplitude of discharge, compared with the model group (P <0.05). Conclusion Total triterpenoids of Poria cocos were able to antagonize the maximal electroshock and pentylenetetrazole seizures in mice and inhibit the epileptic seizures and epileptic discharge induced by injection of penicillin into the cortex of rat cortical, but the effect of anti-MES was weaker than that of lamotrigine The anti-MET and penicillin convulsive effect than lamotrigine.
十月金秋,乐音朗朗。10月 28日,伴着大合唱《祖国颂》那令人振奋的旋律,河南省第八届黄河之滨音乐周在圆满地完成了各项任务后缓缓地落下了帷幕。这是一项我省近年来音乐创作与表演
目的 探索AT1受体介导AngII调节SHR和WKY鼠脑神经元电活动的信号转导机制。 方法 原代培养SHR和WKY新生鼠脑干和下丘脑神经元 ,用全细胞膜片钳以电流箝方式记录神经元的放
1 白粉虱 1 1 为害症状:成虫或若虫集于叶背,刺吸汁液,使叶片生长受阻变黄,影响植物正常生长发育。由于其能分泌大量蜜露,堆于叶面及果实上,造成煤污,严重影响叶片的光合作
水稻田间小区试验结果表明,在施纯氮17.1 kg/667m 2 的基础上,于分蘖期和孕穗期喷施“植物动力2003”(以下简称“2003”)的两个处理稻谷实产与对照(施纯氮19.0 kg/667m 2 加喷清水)的实产相比,无明显差异;同样,在施纯氮
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