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在农村实施“小康文化工程”,既是2000年前我省全面实现小康的目标要求,又可为整个小康建设提供精神动力和智力支持。实施这项工程将改变许多地方一手硬一手软的情况,解决农民物质生活好、文化生活差的问题,使社会主义建设实现一个质的飞跃。因此,当务之急,应该将该项工作由部门行为转为党政行为,变上面部门急为各级各个方面齐努力,上下一致,抓出两个文明协调发展的实际效果来。 Implementing the “Well-off Culture Project” in rural areas is not only the goal of fulfilling the goal of building a well-off society in an all-round way in 2000 but it also provides the spiritual motivation and intellectual support for the entire well-to-do society. The implementation of this project will change the situation of hard-earned hands and soft hands in many places and solve the problems of poor people’s material life and poor cultural life so that a qualitative leap will be made in the building of socialism. Therefore, it is imperative that we should shift this work from departmental behavior to party-government behavior, change the above-mentioned departments to urgently work for all levels at all levels to make concerted efforts and grasp the practical effect of the coordinated development of the two civilizations.
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保险代位求偿权作为财产保险中独有的法律制度 ,既是保护被保险人合法权益的重要手段 ,也是产险公司维护自身合法权益的法律武器。正确行使保险代位求偿权 ,被保险人应切记在
本文是对一起船沉货损的案件分析 ,在保险责任的认定中 ,一审法院运用近因原则来判定船沉的责任 ,而二审法院却不采纳近因原则 ,笔者针对一、二审法院的不同判决 ,以理论联系
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