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兴趣在英语学习中扮演着重要角色,它是贯穿英语教学的重要因素,也是激发学习热情的积极因素,所以就怎样激发学生学习英语的兴趣问题,提出几点观点和建议,以达到更好的教学目的。 Interest plays an important role in English learning. It is an important factor in English teaching and it is also an active factor in inspiring learning enthusiasm. Therefore, on the question of how to stimulate students’ interest in learning English, several points of view and suggestions are made to achieve better results. Teaching objectives.
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一套试卷,特别是高考试 卷能够在变化中引领新潮流,哪怕只有一道题能够在变化中引领新潮流也是值得我们称道、欣赏和研究的。下面就湖北卷和北京卷在这方面的成果谈谈自己的
The statistics showed that in the first fivemonths,processing trade,for the first timein this year,grew by 1.4 per cent to US$39.61 billion,while export value
According to a report from the Ministry ofForeign Trade and Economic Cooperation(Moiled, China will import US$1,500 billionworth of equipment, technology andpr
The Chinese government has showed itsdetermination again in its continuous effortsto urge for more measures aimed at in-creasing exports and drawing foreign in
雷达希望宣传由著名设计师Jasper Morrison亲手设计的限量系列,这款系列只有50只,所以它的广告预算也相对较少,且最新限量版雷达表的设计基于精细的金色系列,但通过广告来宣