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让更多的老师、孩子、父母及社会上更多的人真正走进阅读的世界,和伟大的思想、伟大的智慧对话,能够真正形成我们这个民族的共同精神家园。师生人人参与阅读,引领全民阅读,是学校的担当与责任。一、确立主题,重点引领大阅读活动的组织者是语文教师、阅读课教师和全体班主任,他们的积极性是活动开展的前提,他们的组织是活动成功的基础。为此,需要充分发挥他们的主动性,让他们参与方案设计、主题确立和实施办法制定等。在老师们的广 Let more teachers, children, parents and more people in society really enter the world of reading, talk to great ideas and great wisdom, and truly form the common spiritual home of our nation. The participation of teachers and students in reading and leading the reading of all people is the responsibility of the school. First, the establishment of the theme, focusing on leading the reading activities of the organizers are language teachers, reading teachers and the whole class teacher, their enthusiasm is the premise of activities carried out, their organization is the basis for the success of the event. To this end, they need to give full play to their initiative and involve them in the design of programs, the establishment of themes and the formulation of implementation measures. It is wide in teachers
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4月14日至18日,中国科技期刊编辑学会在无锡召开二届一次理事会暨学术年会。我会《铁道学报》编辑部作为理事单位参加了会议。 中国科协和国家科委十分重视我国科技期刊的发
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