The New Insolvency Law and Governance of Corporate Legal Person

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Start of the insolvency proceedings influences the two basic problems of corporate governance:restriction about the "soft budget" of corporation and "information asymmetry"between the interior and exterior person.In fact,the insolvency law is a mechanism of the potential exterior supervision.In the insolvency proceedings,most of the information is open to the creditor and to the superintendent,who is liable for protecting the interest of the creditor.The key problems of corporate governance are transparency and information disclosure.The insolvency law provides the power of supervision to the creditor when corporation insolvency.Of importance is that power is conducted by collectivity and supported by judicatory and professional organization.In June 2004,the finance committee submitted the new draft of the insolvency law to the standing committee of the national people's congress.There are many articles about corporate governance.These articles are generally divided into two kinds,one is restriction on conduct of the supervisors in the period of the insolvency proceedings,and the other is examination of the conduct before the start of the insolvency proceedings.
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