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<正>Chairman Kim Jong-il&#39;s death has sparked worldwide interest in the future direction of the D.P.R.K. political, economic, social and diplomatic policies.
<正>The 9/11 attack was undoubtedly one of the most important events to influence international relations in the 21st century. On September 11th, 2001, al-Qaeda
<正>"Energy independence" has been an age-old dream of the U.S.administration,and recently reemerged as a hot topic in the United States.The current decline of
Chinese OFDI—both in total and in LAC—has qualitatively different conditions and characteristics from any other FDI coming into the region.From a Latin Americ
【正】 在男色如云的电影界,西尔维斯特&#183;史泰龙并不能算是一个十分英俊漂亮的男人,但这是一个呼唤英雄的年代,他绝对是英雄的代言人。他有着一张轮廓分明的脸,忧郁而深
<正>In analyzing international politics and economics, scholars have used a variety of paradigms. Economists, for example, look at globalization and its effects
<正>After China and South Korea established diplomatic relations two decades ago,bilateral ties made great progress.However,economic interdependence is limited,