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社会主义新农村是指在社会主义历史条件下,反映一定时期农村社会较前一时期更为文明进步的社会现状,以经济发展为基础,以社会全面进步为标志。按照党的十六届五中全会提出的生产发展、生活宽裕、乡风文明、村容整洁、管理民主的要求,以改善农村生产生活条件、提高农民素质、塑造 Under the socialist historical conditions, the new socialist countryside refers to the social situation that reflects the more civilized progress of rural society in a certain period of time compared with the previous period under the historical conditions of socialism. It is based on economic development and marked by all-round social progress. In accordance with the requirements of the Fifth Plenary Session of the 16th CPC Central Committee for improving production and living, affluent life, civilized rural areas, clean and tidy villages and democratic management, the conditions for production and living in rural areas should be improved and the quality of peasants improved.
Objective:To screen the anti-fungal effects and find out the active metabolites from sponge, Sigmadocia carnosa(S.carnosa) against four dermatophytic fungi.Meth
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Objective:To evaluate the antimalarial and antiulcerogenic activities ofleaf exlracl and fractions of Melanthera scandens(M.scandens).Methods:The crude leaf ext
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随着亚太地区经济相互依赖的不断增强,亚太经济合作组织(Asia-Pacific EconomicCouncil,APEC)于1989年应运而生。APEC最初作为地区性集团,现已成为促进亚太地区自由贸易和经