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您好!1994年6月1日,章宗穰教授来信约请我对即将在山西太原举行的第六届化学传感器学术会议的与会各位致意。那时,我刚从乌克兰讲学归来。不日我又将去西班牙参加欧洲化学会化学分析委员会的年会。由于时间仓促,接信后的瞬间反应是婉辞他的约请。但我对章教授的美意深感荣幸,并极愿借此机会对曾参加我在1983年于上海师范大学及随后于中科院南京土壤所、北京师范大学及湖南大学的各次讲演的诸位表示问候。 Hello! On June 1, 1994, Professor Zhang Zongtao sent a letter of invitation to me to pay tribute to the participants of the forthcoming sixth academic conference on chemical sensors in Taiyuan, Shanxi Province. At that time, I just returned from Ukraine. I will go to Spain again to attend the annual meeting of the European Chemical Society Chemical Analysis Committee. Due to the time constraints, the instant response after receiving the letter is his appointment. However, I am deeply honored by the good will of Professor Zhang and very much would like to take this opportunity to extend my greetings to all of you who attended my lectures at Shanghai Normal University and then at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Nanjing Institute of Soils, Beijing Normal University and Hunan University in 1983 .
应用8098单片机成功地研制出了一种适用于远程调度系统中的智能通讯控制器。本文着重论述了控制器的硬件结构、通讯接口、软件设计以及主要特点。 Application of 8098 microcon