
来源 :预防医学情报杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dongmeizi1988
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目的评价近年来解放军第302医院的科研水平和SCI论文的发表情况。方法 以SCI-EXPANDED数据库为数据来源,分别从论文的年代分布、语种、论文合作国家及机构、作者分布以及论文被引用情况等方面,对解放军第302医院发表的SCI论文进行了计量分析。结果解放军第302医院从1995年至今共发表SCI论文143篇,2005年以前发表论文数量较少,共25篇,2006年起论文的数量和质量显著提高。结论 解放军第302医院近年来科研持续发展,医院科研水平不断提高,应继续保持医院相关管理规章与制度的连续性,继续加大对外科研交流,推进医院的科研水平和医疗水平的不断提高。 Objective To evaluate the research level of the 302nd Hospital of People’s Liberation Army in recent years and the publication of SCI papers. Methods SCI-EXPANDED database was used as a data source to measure and analyze the SCI papers published by the 302nd Hospital of People’s Liberation Army from the annals of the essay, languages, the countries and institutions cooperating with the essay, the distribution of the authors and the citations of the essays. Results The 302nd Hospital of People’s Liberation Army issued a total of 143 SCI papers since 1995. There were 25 papers published before 2005, and the quantity and quality of papers published since 2006 were significantly increased. Conclusion The 302nd Hospital of People’s Liberation Army has made continuous progress in scientific research in recent years. The level of scientific research in the hospital has been continuously improved. The continuity of relevant hospital management regulations and systems should be maintained. Scientific research exchanges and the continuous improvement of medical standards should be continued.
目的 了解潍坊市扩大国家免疫规划相关监测信息报告现状,促进免疫规划工作的发展.方法 通过数据导出后进行分析.结果 全市12个县(市、区)级常规接种、第二类疫苗接种、冷链设
1 引言rn管状吻合器也称端端吻合器,主要由前端的吻合器头和有两排金属钉的钉座构成.1979年我国开始研制的吻合器,吻合器头带长直杆,穿过胃、肠壁时在胃肠壁上需切一小口并作
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1 病例报告rn患者女性,48岁,因乏力、多饮、消瘦、胸闷、上腹胀闷半年于1998年7月23日入住内科.体格检查:体温36.6℃,脉搏88次/分,呼吸18次/分,血压24 kPa/14kPa.心、肺无异