自1972年美国宇航局(NA SA)的地球观测卫星“土地卫星1号”被发射升空以来,卫星遥感技术在农业上的应用开始进入实用研究阶段。70年代后半叶,美国利用卫星的多重光谱扫描仪数据和区域气象情报等估算了世界主要粮食作物的种植面积和一些地区的粮食产量。如1977年8月预测的苏联当年
Since NASA’s Earth observation satellite Landsat 1 was launched into space in 1972, the application of satellite remote sensing technology in agriculture has begun to enter the practical research stage. In the second half of the 1970s, the United States used satellite multi-spectral scanner data and regional weather information to estimate the acreage of the world’s major food crops and the grain output in some areas. As forecast in August 1977 in the Soviet Union