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房地产信托在冲刺了两年之后开始显露疲态,不仅仅是数据能证明,还有投资客户的流失可以作证。信托整体市场在前两年的发展可谓突飞猛进,可是在进入新年以来却开始放缓了脚步,尤其是在信托界能称得上是“高富帅”的房地产信托市场,同样在新年伊始就表现不佳,呈现魅力下跌状态。进入新年以来仅成立信托项目150款,还不及去年12月同期的一半。据Wind统计,截至1月18日,1月房地产信托产品发行数量为8只,其间首次募集规模达29.89亿元,平均发行规模为3.74亿元,平均预计收益率为 Real estate trusts began to show signs of weakness two years after the sprint, not just for data but also for the loss of investment clients. The overall development of the trust market in the first two years of rapid progress can be described, but since the beginning of the New Year has begun to slow down, especially in the trust sector can be regarded as “rich and handsome” real estate trust market, also at the beginning of the new year Poor performance, showing a decline in the state of charm. Since entering the New Year, only 150 trust projects have been set up, less than half of the same period last December. According to Wind statistics, as of January 18, January issuance of real estate trust products was 8, during which raised the first volume of 2.989 billion yuan, the average issue size of 374 million yuan, the average expected rate of return of