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长期以来,颠倒温度表和南森采水器被人们视为测量海洋中海水基本物理要素的常规手段之一。然而,从本世纪六十年代开始,这种原始的、单一的观测手段开始逐渐被淘汰,取而代之的则是集成电子化和自动化为一体的温盐深(STD)测量装置。该装置操作简单,获取数据快而准确,且也大大降低了人们的劳动强度。所以,当它刚刚问世,就受到了海洋工 For a long time, the reversal of thermometers and Nansen water harvesting devices has been regarded as one of the conventional means of measuring the basic physical components of sea water in the oceans. However, from the 1960s onwards, this primitive and single observational approach began to be phased out, replaced by integrated temperature and salt depth (STD) measuring devices that are integrated with electronics and automation. The device is simple to operate, to obtain data quickly and accurately, and also greatly reduces people's labor intensity. So, when it came out, it came to sea
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A rather complete sea ice model is given, which deals with not only thermodynamic and dynamic processes commonly used in previous models of sea ice but also a
于联生等同志根据Geomagnetism in marine geology(Elsevier Oceanography Series,6,1972)翻译的《海底地磁学》一书,已于1984年由科学出版社出版。 作者维克多·瓦奎尔(Vic
由山东省海洋仪器仪表研究所研制的QXS 3—1型全浸式水下照相机于1989年10月24日下午在青岛通过鉴定。该照相机属全天候型水陆两用照相机,它主要用于水下工程设施的检查,海
A contrasting study of the large-scale circulation features responsible for months or seasons with many hurricanes and those with few hurricanes has revealed t
Determinded in this paper are 18 isotherms of Cu2+ and Pb2+ partitioning between liquid and solid (kaolinite, illite and montmorillonite), all proved to be “i
文章从考察手段、考察活动、主要考察成果和重大发现等方面扼要介绍了苏联科学院及加盟共和国科学院十年来的海洋科学考察工作。 The article briefly introduces the marin