本世纪50年代以来,简便、高效的口服避孕药和宫内节育被广泛使用,而更适合于成年人和绝经前期妇女使用的阴道用避孕药却很少受到重视。近十余年来,性传播疾病发展速度迅猛。据1999年报道:世界上每年新出现的性病病例约2.5亿例,其中美国每年有1200万性病新病例。于是,能有效防止意外妊娠、预防STDs传播的阴道用避孕药又重新得到了重视。 阴道用避孕药即杀精剂,即可杀死精子或抑
Since the 1950s, simple and efficient oral contraceptives and intrauterine birth control have been widely used, while vaginal contraceptives more suitable for use by adults and premenopausal women have received less attention. In the past decade or so, the development of sexually transmitted diseases has been swift and violent. It was reported in 1999 that there are about 250 million new cases of venereal diseases in the world every year, of which there are 12 million new cases of venereal diseases each year in the United States. Thus, can effectively prevent unwanted pregnancies, the prevention of STDs vaginal contraceptives has been re-paid attention. Vaginal contraceptives that spermicide, you can kill sperm or suppression