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中华文化,博大精深。我们的祖先用自己的聪明智慧,不仅为后人创造了丰富多彩的物质文化,也为我们创造了灿烂辉煌的精神文化。千百年来,人们在中华民族文化艺术的海洋里,尽情享受着歌唱、舞蹈、绘画、雕刻、书法等等五光十色的艺术创造,使人们的心灵沐浴在纯洁美好的艺术海洋中。仅就歌唱艺术来说,自古到今都是广大人民群众最喜爱的艺术形式之一,这期中包括民族声乐演唱。如今,民族声乐演唱队伍可谓人才济济,群星闪烁,由此,也为我们研究民 Chinese culture, broad and profound. Our ancestors with their own wisdom and wisdom, not only for future generations to create a rich and colorful material culture, but also for us to create a brilliant spiritual culture. For thousands of years, people in the sea of ​​Chinese culture and the arts have enjoyed the creation of colorful art such as singing, dancing, painting, sculpture and calligraphy, so that their souls are bathed in the pure and beautiful artistic ocean. As far as singing art is concerned, it has been one of the most popular art forms of the masses since ancient times. This period includes singing of national vocal music. Today, the national vocal singing team can be described as talent, twinkling stars, thus, also for our study of people
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加尔各答市位于印度东海岸,亚洲南部第一大河恒河河口,是南亚最大的城市与港口。 由于沿海城市经济的迅速发展,内地的乡下人大量涌入沿海城市。在短短的十多年时间里,加尔各
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