
来源 :西南民兵 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:sairei
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当前,我军任务繁重、使命重大,既要应对传统意义上的国家安全威胁,又要在非战争军事行动中发挥重要作用,还要面临深层次的军事变革和利益格局调整,在这种错综复杂的新形势下,党中央、中央军委更加注重依法治军方略在开创国防和军队现代化建设新局面中的作用,胡锦涛主席在党的十七大报告中强调:“坚持依法治军、从严治军,完善军事法规,加强科学管理。”再次为军队建设指明了前进方向,也把依法治军推向了前所未有的历史高度。为此,我们必须以科学发展观为指导,继续深化依法治军方略,全面提高依法治 At present, our army has a heavy task and a heavy mission. It not only has to deal with the threat of national security in the traditional sense but also plays an important role in non-war military operations. In addition, it faces profound military changes and changes in the pattern of interests. In this complex situation, Under the new situation, the Central Party Committee and the Central Military Commission pay more attention to the role of the strategy of running the army by law in creating a new situation in the modernization of the national defense and the armed forces. President Hu Jintao emphasized in the report to the 17th National Congress of the CPC: “Persisting in governing the army according to law and strictly governing Improve military laws and regulations and strengthen scientific management. ”“ Once again, we have pointed out the way forward for the building of our armed forces and have also pushed the army in accordance with the law to an unprecedented historical height. ” To this end, we must take the guidance of the scientific concept of development and continue to deepen the strategy of running the army by law,
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到北京后一直暴热,阳光恨不能将人晒成肉干。汗流浃背这个词显得太稀松平常了,不足以描述人包裹在铺天盖地热浪之中无处躲藏的感受。一杯接一杯不停地饮水,汗如泉涌泊泊溢出,触哪儿,手心都是湿漉漉的汗珠儿,真想让人回到半坡时代或者去亚马逊森林当个女人,那样就可以赤裸上半身走来走去了,不用担心谁会笑话自己,更不用总把汗湿的衣服按进洗衣盆里……漫步在北京大街上,感觉自己如空气般蒸腾漂移了起来。  怕中暑,女儿去
人类看来要比我们所预期的速度更快地接近历史的终结,因为随着现代性的进展,他们对自己的地球住所的音律变动越来越难以辨别。生态危机是 It seems that humankind is clos
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