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第二次世界大战期间,在上海法侨社会内部兴起了“自由法国”运动。依据法国外交档案、报纸、期刊和时人回忆,本文试图重构该运动在上海从兴起到沉寂的历史全过程,同时对影响其嬗变的各种政治和外交因素进行剖析。作为法国在远东最重要的利益汇聚点之一,上海与香港、新加坡、新德里和纽约等成为第一批响应戴高乐号召支持“自由法国”运动的城市。作为最早投入这一阵营的海外侨民组织,旅沪法侨中的“自由法国”派在“自由法国”运动从兴起到取得最终胜利的整个过程中,扮演了不容忽视的角色。此外,这一运动看似只是法国与法侨社会的内部事务,但在战时上海极其复杂的环境中,其形成、发展与兴衰受到政治、外交以及军事等诸多因素的共同制约。 During the Second World War, the “Free France” movement emerged in the French community in Shanghai. According to the French diplomatic archives, newspapers, periodicals and time people recall that this article attempts to reconstruct the entire history of the movement in Shanghai from the rise to silence, and at the same time analyzes the various political and diplomatic factors that have influenced its evolution. As one of France’s most important interest points in the Far East, Shanghai and Hong Kong, Singapore, New Delhi and New York became the first cities to respond to de Gaulle’s call for “free France.” As the first member of overseas diasporas to join this camp, the “Free France” faction in the overseas Chinese in Shanghai played an indispensable role in the entire process of the “Free France” movement from its rise to its final victory. In addition, this movement appears to be only an internal affair of the French and French communities. However, its formation, development and rise and fall in the extremely complicated environment of wartime Shanghai were constrained by many factors such as politics, diplomacy and the military.
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