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我所带的16机电设备班是一个就业班,班级人数只有27人,全是男生。其中城镇户口5人,22人是父母文化程度不高的农民工的孩子,离异家庭2人,父亲常年在国外打工的3人。他们进校时中考总分只有一个是390分,其余都是300分左右。多数学生对学习毫无兴趣,在初中时就经常打架、上网、打游戏、玩手机、迟到、旷课等。大多数家长对孩子的教育也是束手无策,老师也常悲叹“一届不如一届”。著名教育家魏书生说过:“一个好的班主任,对学生的影响是巨大的,不仅影响学生的现在,还影响着学生的未来,甚至是终身。”基于以上情况,作为职业学校的新生班的班主任, I brought 16 mechanical and electrical equipment classes is an employment class, the class number only 27 people, all boys. Among them, 5 are urban residents, 22 are children of migrant workers whose parents are not educated, 2 have divorced families, and 3 have been employed by fathers abroad for years. When they enter the school exam score of only 390 points, the rest are about 300 points. Most students have no interest in learning. They often fight, surf the Net, play games, play mobile phones, late, absenteeism and so on when they are in junior high school. Most parents are also at a loss what to do with their children’s education. Teachers often lament that “one session is better than one session.” Well-known educator Wei Shusheng said: “A good teacher, the impact on students is enormous, not only affect the students now, but also affect the student’s future, or even life.” "Based on the above, as a vocational school New class teacher,
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