
来源 :马克思主义研究 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:ivsou
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马克思和恩格斯关于工业化的理论主要是针对资本主义工业化的分析和结论。他们通过对工业化与资本主义生产关系矛盾的分析 ,推导出工业化必然导致资本主义被社会主义所取代。十月革命的胜利使马克思主义的工业化理论主要集中在社会主义国家如何进行工业化方面。列宁、布哈林和斯大林对社会主义工业化的理论和实践进行了积极的探索。其中 ,以优先发展重工业、工业化以建立单一公有制和计划经济为保障等特征的斯大林关于社会主义工业化的理论 ,不仅对苏联 ,也对其他社会主义国家产生了深远影响。在中国 ,毛泽东虽然觉察到苏联模式的弊端 ,积极探索中国自己的工业化道路 ,并提出了一些很好的思想 ,但仍然没有从根本上突破苏联模式。以邓小平和江泽民为核心的党的第二、第三代领导集体进行了全新的探索 ,提出了在经济市场化中发展社会主义工业化等一系列新的思想 ,极大地推进了我国工业化的进程。 The theories of Marx and Engels on industrialization mainly focus on the analysis and conclusion of capitalist industrialization. Through their analysis of the contradiction between the industrialization and the capitalist production relations, they deduced that industrialization inevitably led to the replacement of capitalism by socialism. The victory of the October Revolution brought the Marxist theory of industrialization mainly to the question of how industrialization took place in the socialist countries. Lenin, Bukharin and Stalin actively explored the theory and practice of socialist industrialization. Among them, Stalin’s theory of socialist industrialization, which preferentially developed heavy industry and industrialized to establish a single public ownership and a planned economy, has had a profound impact not only on the Soviet Union but also on other socialist countries. In China, while aware of the shortcomings of the Soviet model, actively exploring China’s own road to industrialization and putting forward some good ideas, Mao Zedong still failed to fundamentally break the Soviet model. The second and third generations of the Party’s collective leadership with Deng Xiaoping and Jiang Zemin at the core conducted a whole new exploration and proposed a series of new ideas of developing socialist industrialization in the process of economic marketization and greatly advanced the process of industrialization in our country.
目的探讨低kV技术在剖宫产瘢痕部位妊娠CT检查中的应用可行性。方法将行CT检查的剖宫产瘢痕部位妊娠病例随机分为两组,正常对照组32例(A组):使用管电压120 kV、管电流220 mAs
为了探讨职校生职业探索的特点及其与自我同一性、心理韧性关系,以《自我同一性问卷量表》《中国版心理韧性量表》及《职业探索问卷》为研究工具,对1 560名职校生实施了问卷