偶观“闪烁”毅然弃商组建班底决意从影 1913年8月,纽约一个闷热的下午,原是一家皮革手套厂工人、后晋升为经理的塞缪尔·戈德菲什下班回家途中,突然停在一家新开的五分影院(因门票一律五分钱而得名)门前。虽说电影只是5—10分钟的“闪烁”,在当时只不过是一种供小市民消遣、被视为低级娱乐的玩意儿,可他还是走进了伸手不见五指、汗味刺鼻的放映室。银幕上,警察与强盗在殊死格斗;一名骑士从狂奔的马上一跃跳上一辆疾驰的火车……观众掌声四起,狂呼乱
Even the concept of “flashing” decided to abandon the business team decided to act From August 1913, New York a sultry afternoon, was originally a leather gloves factory workers, promoted to manager Samuel Goldfish on his way home after work, suddenly Parked in front of a newly opened five-minute theater (named for a five-cent ticket). Although the movie was only a 5 to 10-minute “flashing” at that time, it was nothing more than a piece of entertainment for the general public and was regarded as entertainment of lower class. However, he went into a see-through, sweaty screening room. On the screen, the police and the bandits were besieged; a knight jumped from a galloping horse to a galloping train ... audience applause, mad chaos