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拜访心仪已久的鼓楼山,是早就有的情愫,延至今日,才终于成行。鼓楼山,位于四川泸州市南面20多公里。系乌蒙山高原北端最后的余脉,海拔近800米,从《泸县志》等有关志书上可以看出,此山系泸州名山,难怪在民间,一直流传有西有方山,南有鼓楼山之说。两山拱卫泸州,正好作了泸州城千秋万代福音的屏障。鼓楼山,因山形似鼓而名,林竹茂密,崖壁陡峭,流泉飞瀑,禽鸟栖居,真的是一处绝佳风景胜地。山上最宽处约两公里,最窄处仅百余 Drum Mountain, long-cherished visit, is a long time ago, until now it has finally come true. Drum Tower Hill, located in Luzhou City, Sichuan Province, more than 20 kilometers south. Department of the northern end of the Wumeng Mountain plateau the last of the veins, nearly 800 meters above sea level, from the “Lu County” and other relevant Zhi can be seen on this mountain Luzhou famous mountain, no wonder in the folk, has been circulating west Fangfang Hill, South Drum Tower Mountain said. Two Luoshan Wei Luzhou, just made the Luzhou City generations Gansu Gospel barrier. Drum Tower Hill, due to the Yamagata like drums, thick bamboo forest, steep cliffs, waterfalls, birds dwelling, is really an excellent scenic spot. The most wide mountain about two kilometers, the narrowest at only 100
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Mouse 和 rat 都是老鼠,只是 rat 比 mouse 形体大,牙齿的结构也不同于mouse,而 rat 的破坏性极强,还传播疾病,如淋巴鼠疫和斑疹伤寒。汉语中的“硕鼠、硕鼠,勿食我粟”提到
首先来看第一部分的题目:重写句子(本大题共10小题,每小题1.5分,共15分)。Revisethe 1.I felt like taking a walk after watching the sunset.(periodic sentence) 按要求考