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教学之余最喜欢做的一件事就是坐在电脑前,享受指缝间教学的快乐。博客方便、易用,极具价值,是集丰富多彩的个性化展示于一体的综合性平台。在这片天地里,可以尽情地发表自己各种类型的博文,把“爬格子”的欲望充分发挥。回看博文,就像是在翻阅一本心情日记,从博文中读到生活工作的乐趣、为人处世的感悟。每当入静时,在键盘上行走思维是那样地自由、轻松、兴奋、快乐,让我们忘却了倦意。老师们,你们有同样的感受吗?在这里说出来吧…… One of my favorite things to do when teaching is to sit in front of a computer and enjoy the joy of teaching between fingers. Blog convenient, easy to use, of great value, is a colorful set of personalized display in an integrated platform. In this world, you can enjoy your blog posts in various types, and give full play to the desire of “plattering”. Looking back Bowen, like reading a mood diary, read from Bowen to live the fun of life, perception of the world. Whenever I was quiet, walking on the keyboard was so free, easy, exciting, and happy that we forgot weary. Teacher, do you all feel the same? Say it here ...