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高质量的选题和书稿,是出版高质量的图书的前提和基础。而高质量的书稿,首先是作者创造性劳动的成果,因此,处理好编辑(出版者)同作者的关系,对出版社来说是至关重要的。从编辑的角度来看,处理好与作者的关系应注意两个问题。 一、在制定选题组约书稿过程中的双向选择关系 根据图书选题的来源不同,编辑与作者在选择中所处的地位不同,即谁居于主动地位还是被动地位。 目前图书选题的主要来源大体有三类:一是出版社或编辑策划设计选题;二是作者自投稿;三是某些上级主管部门下达的指令性任务。当然还有其他一些形式,如通过版权贸易,转让、洽谈等取得书稿等。不论书稿的来源是什么形式,如果从选题产生的源头来看,不外就两种形式。一是由编辑在进行调查研究、掌握大量信息的基础上,提出题目和写作目的,确定出稿的大致内容,拟出写作大纲、书稿体例以及写作计划等,再物色选择合适的作者来撰写创作。或者请一些有经验的专家、学者一起制定写作大纲和写作计划。有时要组织一个强大的作者阵容,组成编委会和编写组。这种有目的有计划地策划设计的选题,能体现编辑(出版社)的意图、编辑思想,有明确的要求,一般质量较高。在这过程 High-quality topics and manuscripts are the premise and basis for publishing high-quality books. And high-quality manuscripts are, first and foremost, the result of the author’s creative work. Therefore, it is of crucial importance to the publisher to handle the relationship between the editor (publisher) and the author. From an editorial point of view, there are two issues to be aware of when dealing with the author. I. The Two-way Choice of Relationships in the Formulation of Selection Papers According to the different sources of book topics, editors and authors have different positions in their choices, namely, who lives in the active position or the passive position. At present, the main sources of book topics generally have three categories: one is the publishing house or editor of planning and design topics; the second is from the author’s submission; the third is some of the higher authorities issued the mandatory tasks. Of course, there are other forms such as obtaining manuscripts through copyright trade, transfer, negotiation and so on. Regardless of the source of the manuscript is what form, if from the origin of the topic, nothing more than two forms. First, on the basis of carrying out investigations and researches and grasping a great deal of information, editors propose questions and writing objectives, determine the general content of the drafts, draw up the outline of the writing, the style of the manuscripts and the writing plan, and then select the appropriate author to write the composition. Or ask some experienced experts and scholars to work out writing syllabus and writing plan. Sometimes to organize a strong lineup of authors, composed of editorial board and writing group. This purposeful and planned design of selected topics can reflect the editors (publishers) intentions, editors thinking, there are clear requirements, the general quality is higher. In this process
自1956年 Sutherland 发现 cAMP(环腺甙酸)为多肽激素作用的“第二信使”以来,对其特异的生理功能不断有新的发现。在骨代谢中,cAMP 同样发挥着重要的生理作用。 Since 195
在人类染色体中期制片中,D组和G组近端着色粒染色体常联合在一起,叫随体联合(sa),随体联合最常发生于21号和13号染色体之间,其次在21和14之间。 sa可能是人类染色体异常的原
摘 要儿童时期,个体的思维能力和认知能力快速发展,但其思维的独立性和批判性仍显薄弱,在社交活动中需要借助他人的信息反馈。因此,与他人的交往是个体社会化的一部分,也是其自我概念形成的外因。自我概念是个体以自身已有的经验及对环境的认知产生的对自己外表、性格、社会属性、能力等多方面的一种主观认识和评价。个体自我概念的形成和发展反映着自我认识甚至自我意识发展水平的高低,对其个性形成也有着深刻的影响。  【