Lifetime Measurements of High Spin States in ~(90)Mo

来源 :Annual Report for China Institute of Atomic Energy | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:wxgaihxx
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There have been considerable interest in the transitional nuclei of the mass A≈80 region in the studyof nuclear structure because the change in either proton number or neutron number causes a dramaticchange in properties of nuclear structure due to relatively small difference between proton and neutronnumber in these nuclei. The nuclei with N≈Z in the zirconium region have strong ground-state There have been considerable interest in the transitional nuclei of the mass A≈80 region in the study of nuclear structure because the change in either proton number or neutron number causes a dramatic change in properties of nuclear structure due to relatively small difference between proton and neutronnumber in these The nuclei with N≈Z in the zirconium region have strong ground-state
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序号 题目蒸汽恒温箱的研制 主要完成人蔡怀礼田利军王建萍李凤娟李拉兔等级2002年度中国原子能科学研究院获北京市科学技术进步奖情况 No. Title steam incubator main com
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