光是冷的 血是热的——记深圳市建兴航空光电公司总经理、共产党员张俊兴

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1994年6月8日至9日,在山西太原机场由中国民航总局基建机场司、科教司联合组织召开的技术鉴定会上正式通过了由张俊兴总体设计的“SZ—9308型顺序闪光灯”及他的非职务专刊项目“ZH—878Ⅲ型太阳能安全灯”、“ZH—879AC型闪光障碍灯”,这是我国在高光强闪光灯这一尖端科技方面的又一突破.这次技术鉴定会有中国民航各管理局、机场、公司、民航机场设计院、所、空军科技设计单位等41家单位的领导和专家参加.专家们认真听取了各项报告,审查了有关技术文件和资料,考察了使用现场和实物并进行了必要的测试.他们结合我国民航使用的实际情况.对上述三项发明创造作出了充分的肯定,指出“顺序闪光灯”技术上位于国内先进水平,主要性能已达到或超过国外同类产品的水平,可以推广使用,替代进口产品;“太阳能安全灯”、“闪光障碍灯”设计合理,技术先进,其中“太阳能安全灯”是一种实用新型的专利产品,可以根据需要在民航推广使用. June 8 to June 9, Shanxi Taiyuan Airport by the Civil Aviation Administration of China Civil Aviation Airport Division, Science and Technology Division jointly organized a technical appraisal meeting formally approved by Zhang Junxing overall design of the “SZ-9308-type sequential flash” and his , “ZH-878Ⅲ type flashlight” and “China ZH-879AC type flashing obstacle lamp”, which is another breakthrough in the advanced technology of high-intensity flashlight in our country. Authority, airports, companies, Civil Aviation Airport Design Institute, Institute of Air Force technology design units and other units of the leaders and experts to participate in 41. Experts listened carefully to the reports, reviewed the relevant technical documents and information on the use of the site and Physical and conducted the necessary tests.They combined with the actual use of civil aviation in our country.The above three inventions made full affirmation, pointed out that the “sequential flash” technology is located in the domestic advanced level, the main performance has reached or exceeded the foreign similar products The level of promotion of the use of alternative imported products; “solar safety lights”, “flash obstruction lights,” reasonable design, technology Advanced, including “Solar Security Light” is a utility model patent products, it can be used as required in the promotion of civil aviation.
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