实行分级管理 发展基础教育

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《中共中央关于教育体制改革的决定》指出:“实行九年制义务教育,实行基础教育由地方负责、分级管理的原则,是发展我国教育事业、改革我国教育体制的基础一环.”固原县发展基础教育的现状,充分说明实行“分级管理”是正确的.固原县有25个乡镇,259个行政村,1669个自然村.全县有各类学校522所,教学点128个.共有学龄儿童54409人,入学率86石%.固原县为贫困山区,自然条件很差,群众居住分散,粮食产量低而不稳.党的十一届三中全会以来,农村经济有了很大的发展,1985年,农民人均收入由1984年的125元上升到170元,但还有20—30%的户温饱问题难以解决.由于经济条件差,农民无力拿出更多的钱来办教育,同时,农民的孩子到十一、二岁,家中便将 The “Decision of the Central Committee of the Communist Party on Educational System Reform” pointed out: “The implementation of the nine-year compulsory education and the implementation of the basic education principle of local responsibility and hierarchical management are the basis for the development of China’s education and reform of the country’s education system.” Guyuan County The status quo of the development of basic education fully demonstrates that it is correct to implement “grading management.” Guyuan County has 25 townships, 259 administrative villages and 1,669 natural villages. There are 522 schools of various types in the county, and 128 teaching sites. 54409 people, school enrollment rate of 86%. Guyuan County is a poor mountainous area, poor natural conditions, scattered people living, food production is low and unstable. Since the Third Plenary Session of the 11th Party Central Committee, the rural economy has made great progress. In 1985, the per capita income of farmers rose from 125 yuan in 1984 to 170 yuan, but there are still 20-30 percent of the households’ food and clothing problems are difficult to solve. Due to poor economic conditions, farmers are unable to provide more money to educate them. The peasant children are eleven or two years old and they will be at home.
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