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在很多公司、单位档案管理工作显得不是那么重要,那就是档案管理工作可有可无,对档案管理工作的重要性缺乏足够的认识。其实,档案管理工作对我国现代企业制度的健康发展起着至关重要的作用。本文研究如何做好档案管理工作的目的是立足于我国现代企业管理的现状,吸收和借鉴优秀的档案管理工作研究成果,不断适应档案管理工作的新形势,指导我国的档案管理工作,达到逐步培养档案管理工作人员的历史责任感感和使命感,进而激发广大档案管理工作人员工作热情的目的。本文采用例证分析的方法,对档案管理工作的意义、策略等方面进行了深入细致的研究。结果发现:与传统档案管理工作模式相比,电子文件的管理在档案管理工作中的优势非常明显。经过认真、细致的分析,得出如下结论:科学规范的档案管理只有坚持与时俱进,才能适应新形势的需要,开创档案管理工作的新局面。 In many companies, the unit file management does not seem so important, that is optional file management, the lack of adequate understanding of the importance of file management. In fact, the file management work on the healthy development of China’s modern enterprise system plays a crucial role. The purpose of this paper is to study how to do a good job of file management work based on the status quo of modern enterprise management in our country, to absorb and learn from outstanding research achievements of file management work, and constantly adapt to the new situation of file management, to guide our file management, and gradually cultivate The history of file management staff sense of responsibility and sense of mission, and thus stimulate the enthusiasm of the majority of file management staff purposes. In this paper, the method of illustration analysis, the significance of the file management work, strategies and other aspects of a thorough and detailed study. The results showed that: Compared with the traditional file management mode, the advantages of electronic file management in the file management work is obvious. After careful and meticulous analysis, I came to the following conclusion: Only by adhering to keeping pace with the times can scientific and standardized archives management adapt to the needs of the new situation and create a new situation in the management of archives.
广州铁路局通过二十余年实践,从60年代开始试运双层175m长轨,直至1987年试运60kg/m400m 3层装、运、卸、收长轨,通过反复试验、测试数据,参数对比,方案讨论研究制定,吊装设备
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